About Us

"I got married to a brother through the MySalafiSpouse service. Our Nikah was on 29/10/21. Alhamdulillah, I think the whole process was easy and I would most definitely recommend it to others, as this service helps you find a spou...

"This is an excellent service. Definitely different to the other sites, very convenient, and straight to the point whilst keeping it Halal. Very helpful and understanding whilst ensuring you are aware of any missed information abo...

"We got married 2 days ago, JazakumAllaahu Khayran for all the assistance. I'm very happy and very blessed to have him in my life. May Allaah reward you for every moment of happiness we experience and may He rectify all of our aff...

"Alhamdulillah we got married last Friday. May Allah reward you with good for helping us in this process. You can remove my profile In Shaa Allah."

"Alhamdullilah our Nikah went ahead on the 30th and Alhamdullilah I am now married. JazakAllah khayr!"

"We had our Nikah on Saturday 05/02/22 - You can remove both of our profiles now. This is an amazing service from start to finish and I would definitely recommend it to the people who are looking to fulfil the prophet's advice, wh...

"Alhamdulillah things went well and we did our Nikah on 21/02/2022. We appreciate your service and are grateful to have such a platform for Ahlus Sunnah. I found the whole process to be very easy. I matched with the sister, receiv...

"Jazakamullāh Khayra! Alhamdulilāh! We got married on 27/07/2022. The process was quick and efficient.
I would definitely recommend it to others, especially those who struggle to find a spouse they’re wholly satisfied with. I lov...

"Alhamdullilah by the grace of Allāh, I found my spouse on MySalafiSpouse and we got married on 18/03/2023 and now expecting our first child insha’Allāh. I recommend MySalafiSpouse, as it's
a reliable and Shariah compliant site....